Vitamin D and it’s importance for your overall health

Vitamin D and it’s importance for your overall health

The optimal source of Vitamin D is from the sun, also coined the “sunshine vitamin”. The amount you receive from the sun depends on the time of day, season, latitude and your skin pigmentation. For example, during the winter months depending on where you live, your vitamin D production may be reduced or absent. This also applies for those of us that apply sunscreen regularly to prevent cancer, sunscreen may also decrease the production of vitamin D. If you do not get enough vitamin D from sunlight or dietary sources, you may need to to include a vitamin D supplement. Speak to your primary care physician about taking a simple blood test to check your vitamin D level. Your PCP may also guide you on the dosage of a vitamin D supplement you should take. Vitamin D is considered safe when taken in the appropriate doses, however taking too much of this supplement can be harmful. This is because it’s a fat soluble vitamin vs a water soluble vitamin, meaning D does not dissolve in water and is stored in your fat tissue. When shopping for a supplement choose D3 with K2, the presence of K2 helps to ensure the calcium transported by the vitamin D is absorbed by it’s bones where needed.

Vitamin D plays an important role in regulating mood and decreases risk of depression. For those of us who suffer from mood changes or depression, you may benefit from a light therapy lamp that produces UVB exposure. Studies have shown exposure to lamps that produce UVB radiation are an excellent source for producing vitamin D in the skin. Vitamin D is a micronutrient your body needs for building and maintaining healthy bones, an insufficient amount is connected with osteoporosis. This is because your body can only absorb calcium when vitamin D is present. Vitamin D also helps to facilitate normal function of the immune system. When I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease, multiple sclerosis, I had low levels of vitamin D. Over the years to improve my vitamin D levels I aim to get outside daily in the sunshine for at least 30-60 minutes and take a daily vitamin D supplement. Recently, I have been incorporating more fatty fish in my diet to achieve higher D levels. It is important to pair healthy fats such as ghee, coconut oil, nuts with your food source for best absorption of vitamin D.

Symptoms of low vitamin D may present as tiredness, depression, aches & pains, muscle pain or weakness, and stress fractures. A combination of sunlight exposure, proper dietary sources and a vitamin D supplement should get your body on track to achieve a level of vitamin D in the acceptable range, 40-60 ng/ml. Reach out to your PCP if you are not sure of your vitamin D level, put on your list to get that checked out at your earliest convenience. Get outside and enjoy that beautiful sunshine!

Reach out to Alison for support with your health journey!


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