sugar detox

sugar detox

Cutting out sugar will improve your life drastically! Many people claim they do not have a sugar addiction, little do they know the hidden amount of sugars in our everyday foods. Who would have thought that some bone broths & stocks have added sugars?! Be sure to read your labels when grocery shopping to see if sugar is listed as an ingredient. FYI, sugar is not always listed as “sugar”. There are many names for sugar such as brown, cane, raw, beet. When you see a word ending in “ose”, it is commonly a form of sugar, such as glucose, fructose, dextrose, sucrose, lactose. Sugar can also come in the form of a syrup such as high fructose corn syrup, rice syrup, date syrup, malt syrup. Also, avoiding sugar alcohols, artificial sweeteners and yes, even natural sugars such as maple syrup and honey, is necessary for your sugar detox.

Improvements from cutting out sugar:

~ lowers overall inflammation within the body

~ weight loss

~ mood booster

~ may clear up skin issues

~ improved sleep

~less brain fog/improved cognition

Cut out sugar and take advantage of the benefits above. Many will see improvements in just as little as 7 days!

Reach out to Alison for support with your health journey!


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